Bainbridge Community Foundation (Bainbridge Island, WA)

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Grant Programs

Capacity Building Grants


BCF recognizes that one goal most organizations share is to perform their work more efficiently and effectively. This capacity building grant cycle is part of a program to assess if focused grant making can help achieve that goal. Improvements in the areas of administration, governance, planning, and fundraising are most desired. Therefore, this grant cycle will be focused on building an organization’s internal capacity in these areas in order to strengthen and support our local nonprofit sector.

Capacity building is distinguishable from direct program services, general operating support or capital expenses in that they typically seek to increase the knowledge, skill level and/or efficiency of a nonprofit board and/or staff. Capacity building services are typically provided by an individual outside of the organization that has the expertise and the ability to focus on one aspect of an organization’s management.

These include but are not limited to:
• Board / Staff training
• Strategic planning
• Analysis of programs, technology and fundraising
• Program evaluation

Please note that this grant making program is not for hiring or adding staff (or staff hours) to increase your organization's capacity. That type of request is better suited to BCF's annual Community Grants Cycle.

Applications are accepted from 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations located in Washington State serving the greater Bainbridge Island community (Those that work, live, or visit Bainbridge Island).

Note added 11-21-2023: Program does not fund travel or capital expenses.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

CB October 18 November 13 December 21

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Community Grants Cycle


We are requesting that each of our grant applicants examine the clear needs of its organization (be it an operational, capital, or service delivery need) and hone your application request for grant funding accordingly. Please focus on what is most important for your organization and for the benefits it provides to our community.

BCF will be screening applications to see if the application is for a close collaborative effort. This is usually a joint application for work that two (or more) organizations are coordinating and working closely together on. These applications will be considered for the BCF Shel Klasky Award. We will also be looking at applications for programs that focus on Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, and Social Justice (IDEAS). These applications will be considered for the BCF IDEAS Fund Award. There is no separate application

In an effort to increase accessibility, if your organization does not have accessible internet and needs assistance with completing the application, please contact BCF at 206.842.0433 or email no later than March 11.
Bainbridge Community Foundation was founded in 2001 in order to sustain and enhance our vibrant community and the way of life we enjoy. BCF’s goals are achieved by supporting the nonprofits that serve our neighbors and friends.

The Community Grants Cycle is the heart of BCF’s annual discretionary giving. The foundation operates a broad open and competitive process that addresses the changing needs of the community. As a component of assessing community needs, we hold an annual Sector Gathering and Nonprofit Survey. The valuable information obtained helps educate the Foundation about the strengths and challenges of our local nonprofit community and help inform the funding priorities for our upcoming grants cycle.

Last year, BCF engaged more than 50 volunteers to serve on our Grants Evaluation Team. These volunteers were current/former BCF board members as well as a diverse array of community members. They were educated on community needs and then divided into sector teams. After completing site visits in pairs and individually finishing their online evaluation of the application, the sector teams then met to review and provide a recommended funding range for each application. This highly effective model provides a balanced community-based approach to our grantmaking activities. It also provides a team of ambassadors educated about and ready to discuss community needs. We will follow this same approach this year.

BCF is accredited by the Community Foundations National Standards Board (CFNSB). We are confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Council on Foundations, a distinction that conveys a rigorous commitment to transparency, excellence, stewardship and leadership in philanthropy.

As a community foundation, we are generalists and help sustain all sectors of the nonprofit community and are made for the following CAUSES:

>> Animal Welfare
>> Arts, Culture, Humanities (including Recreation)
>> Disaster Relief
>> Education
>> Environment
>> Health and Human Services (including Housing)
>> Public / Society Benefit
>> Science / Technology

Grants are awarded for the following funding TYPES:
>> Program (Specific program or project)
>> Capital (Equipment / facility repairs, etc. Estimates must be included with application)
>> Direct (Access to Programming, Support/Access for under-served population)
>> Operating (General operating support)

BCF does not currently fund religious activities or outreach, research, in-kind or product donations, loans, memberships, scholarships, or vehicles.

Applications are accepted from 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations serving the greater Bainbridge Island community (Those that work, live, or visit Bainbridge Island).

2024 Community Grants Cycle (CGC) Timeline:
>> February 15 Application period opens
>> March 14 (5PM) Application period closes (Applications will not be accepted past this date)
>> April 5 – June 15 Application evaluation and review.
>> March 27-April 19 Site visits scheduled (Virtual / In-Person)
>> June 18 BCF Board of Trustees makes final grant decisions
>> June 19&20 Organizations notified of funding decisions
>> July 11-July 18 Grantee will log on and accept the grant agreement. Grant checks will then be mailed.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

CGC February 15 March 14 June 30 July 25

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Community Response Fund (CRF)


Bainbridge Community Foundation’s Community Response Fund provides limited financial resources to nonprofit organizations for urgent unanticipated health and human service needs on Bainbridge Island, especially during times of economic hardship or human or natural disaster. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of those times.

We are all aware that needs are changing almost on a daily basis. In an effort to remain nimble and to provide support to our nonprofit partners.

The Community Response Fund is an area-of-interest fund established by the Bainbridge Community Foundation in 2009. The fund began as an idea from a group of nonprofit staff and community leaders. The purpose of the fund is to assist local non-profit human service agencies that experience an unexpected temporary funding need that impacts their ability to provide critical community services. As such, it provides a safety net for the agencies that provide a safety net for our greater Bainbridge Island community.

The grants committee will review applications. Checks will be sent out as quickly as possible.

Please notify when you've completed the Community Response Fund Application so there is no delay in reviewing your request.

Thank you.

Funding requests are only accepted from 501(C)(3) nonprofit organizations that have previously received funding at least once through either the Community Grants Cycle or Capacity Building Grants Cycle since 2016. ONLY PRIOR GRANTEES FROM EITHER BCF'S COMMUNITY GRANTS CYCLE OR CAPACITY BUILDING GRANTS CYCLES ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY.

Organization MUST be based in Washington State and serve Bainbridge Island / Kitsap County. Contact BCF at if you have any questions prior to making an application.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous


Name Notes
CRF Application Guidelines.pdf BCF Community Response Fund Guidelines

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.