Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (Washington, DC)

Organization Address

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Grant Programs

Administrative Expense Reimbursement Grants


Reimbursement for the following types of expenses within the following categories:

• IRS Form 990 tax preparation reimbursement (up to $250yr, No matching funds required)
• Audit/Compilation reimbursement (up to $500yr, NO matching funds required)
• Payroll service reimbursement (NO cap on amount, NO matching funds required
• Computer/web technical assistance expense reimbursement (up to $250yr NO matching funds required)
• Legal Assistance Services provided by OLI's attorney (PREAPPROVAL by OLI President required; cap to be determined on an individual basis, NO matching funds required)

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

ADMIN October 1 November 15


Name Notes
Admin State Grant Spreadsheet 2023-2024.xlsx Please complete this spreadsheet and upload with your receipts/documents.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Competitive Rail Transit Safety Education Grants


Eligible recipients of these grants include transit agencies and governmental entities that provide transit service. The project must relate to rail safety education for the public, including commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail and streetcars. Bus safety activities are not eligible. The rail service must either be currently operating or expected to begin operating within 36 months of the date of application.

Education and outreach materials developed using these grant funds will be:
* Developed in consultation with the State Coordinator of the state Operation Lifesaver (OL) program (if applicable)
* Reviewed and approved by Operation Lifesaver, Inc. (OLI)
* Co-branded by the transit agency and Operation Lifesaver, Inc.
* Made available to the public at large and for use by other transit agencies on OLI's website

In addition to answering application questions, applicants must submit a letter from their Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator supporting the project.

*Travel expenses and Food & Beverage expenses are not eligible.

If a transit agency or State/local government applies for a Competitive Rail Transit Safety Education Grant, this application must be developed in coordination with your State Operation Lifesaver program. Contact information for Operation Lifesaver State Coordinators is located at: https://oli.org/state-coordinators

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

FTA July 1 September 4


Name Notes
Budget Worksheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet for your grant budget.
SC-letter-endorsing-application-sample.docx Please have your Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator sign this document after you have shared your project idea with them. Then upload a scanned copy of the signed letter on the Program Documents page. To find the State Coordinator in your state, please click on this link: https://oli.org/state-coordinators If your state does not currently have a State Coordinator, please contact Wende Corcoran at wcorcoran@oli.org for guidance.
Grant Match Formula Grant Budget Tips_FTA .docx Tips on calculating your required match.
2024 Transit Grant Agreement.docx 2024 Transit Grant Agreement, to be executed if awarded the grant funds.
2024 Grant Application Information Sheet.docx Grant Application Information Document - find all the details needed for applying for the transit grant.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Innovative Educational OL State Grant


• State OL programs may apply for an innovative grant where funds are used for an educational project, program, materials, etc.
• The grant review committee will be selecting one (1) grant that has the most innovative idea/project for addressing trespassing and/or grade crossing incidents around highway-rail grade crossings, and will best help accomplish OL’s overall mission.
• One grant will be awarded, capped at $50,000. No matching funds are required.
• 90% will be paid in advance of the project, and 10% upon submission of the final report.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Year December 16 March 3


Name Notes
2023 Innovative Grant Budget Worksheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet for you mandatory budget worksheet.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

OLAV, Coaches, and Face-to-Face Travel Reimbursement Grant


Operation Lifesaver’s National Office was awarded a 2019 grant, on behalf of the Posner Family Foundation. Grant funds may be used by Operation Lifesaver state programs for volunteer travel reimbursement (not intended for State Coordinator travel), including:

a. OL Authorized Volunteer travel to offer a presentation(s) to a high-risk, or target audience that may require a travel stipend, and/or
b. a new Coach’s training travel costs, and/or
c. any participant’s or Coach’s travel costs for Face-to-Face classes (State Coordinator travel cost not eligible).

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Year June 1 June 10


Name Notes
Travel Expense Reimbursement Worksheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet to show reimbursable expenses; one volunteer per spreadsheet.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

OLI Competitive Crossing Safety State Grant


• State OL programs may apply for merit-based, competitive grant funding to support highway-rail grade crossing safety projects.
• Projects may include public service announcements or other public outreach materials.
• Grants are capped at $20,000, and will be paid in two installments, 50% in advance of project initiation, and 50% upon submission of final report.
• Final report must include documentation of at least 20% non-federal matching funds

2024 OLI Competitive Crossing Safety State Grants (FHWA Subaward)

Each grant awarded by OLI will be a subaward to the below-listed Federal Cooperative Agreement. As such, each applicant must review, and agree to abide by, the additional requirements of the award detailed below.

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Award ID Number: FHWA-50001
FAIN: 693JJ31950001
CFDA Number: 20.200
Total Award: $3,004,278
Period of Performance: 8/14/19-8/13/25
R&D: This award does not include research and development activities
Indirect Costs: De minimis 10% indirect cost rate
Award Summary Description: Award to Operation Lifesaver, Inc. to provide public education, awareness, and safety programs related to highway-rail grade crossing safety in the United States.

Additional Requirements:
1. All grants must be used in accordance with Federal statutes, regulations, and terms and conditions of the Federal award.
2. Grantee agrees to permit OLI and its auditors to have access to its records and financial statements as necessary for OLI to meet it monitoring and management requirements.
3. Certifications. By submission of online application for this grant, the State OL program hereby certifies, to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, that the following statements are true. Awardees shall provide immediate written notice to OLI if, at any time prior to or during the period of performance of the sub-award, he/she learns that these certifications were erroneous when application was made or have become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances.
a. Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B to 49 CFR Part 29, the State OL program certifies that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency.
b. Drug-Free Workplace Program – pursuant to 49 CFR Part 32, the State OL program certifies that it will continue to provide a drug-free workplace.
c. Single Audit Verification – in accordance with provisions of CFR 200.501 Subpart F, the State OL program certifies that it utilizes an independent public accounting firm to conduct Single Audits (if required).

OLI Competitive Grant Official Contact Information:
Wende Corcoran, Vice President OLI

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

FHWA_B April 17 June 21
FHWA_A December 15 February 18


Name Notes
2024 FHWA Crossing Grant Budget Worksheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet to plan and show your project budget and match amounts.
FHWA Grant Match Formula Tips.doc Use this document to help you calculate how much match you need for your grant based on the minimum requirement.
In-Kind Match Form.doc Use this form to document in-kind contributions

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

OLI Competitive State Grant


• State OL programs may apply for merit-based, competitive grant funding to support innovative grade crossing safety or trespass prevention projects.
• Projects may include public service announcements or other public outreach materials. Grants may not include equipment, such as vehicles, trailers, etc.
• Grants are capped at $20,000 and will be paid in two installments; 75% in advance of project initiation, and 25% upon submission of final report.
• Final report must include documentation of at least 25% nonfederal matching funds.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

FRA December 15 February 18


Name Notes
FRA 2024 Grant Budget Worksheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet for your required budget submission.
Grant Match Formula & Grant Budget Tips .doc Use this document to determine how much match you need for the amount of grant money you are requesting. Also, a few tips on what to include in your budget for possible maximum points from the evaluation committee.
In-Kind Match Form.doc Use this form to document in-kind matches.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Posner Promotional/Educational Item Reimbursement


Operation Lifesaver’s National Office was awarded a 2024 grant, on behalf of the Posner Foundation. Grant funds may be used by Operation Lifesaver state programs for OL education and promotional items, including:
a. Operation Lifesaver brochures, pamphlets, books, or any education material with OL safety messages,
b. Operation Lifesaver promotional materials that either have a safety message, the state website, or oli.org on it

Grant Rules
• Each Operation Lifesaver state program may receive a maximum reimbursement of $1000.00 in 2024 for any eligible reimbursable costs.
• There is no match required for this grant.
• Education items or promotional items purchased with these grant funds need to be used by the state OL program at a state or community event, by an OLAV at a presentation, at OLAV Face-to-Face classes, partner meetings, etc.
• All promotional items either need to have a safety message, the state OL website or oli.org on it.
• REQUIRED: A minimum of one (1), and up to five (5) photos and/or videos of the event, or presentation when these items were used or will be used. These photos may be used and shared by OLI on future promotional materials and/or website. If the event has not happened by the closing of the grant, please include a photo of a similar event from a past year.
• Receipts need to be dated January 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024.
• All eligible reimbursable costs are at the sole discretion of the OLI.
• Each state can apply one (1) time, for an amount of up to $1000.00.
• All reimbursable expenses need to be submitted no later than midnight October 31, 2024.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Posner June 1 October 31


Name Notes
Posner 2024 Education and Promotional Worksheet.xlsx Required reimbursement spreadsheet. Use this form to list items and amounts for reimbursement and then attach all receipts.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Public Awareness Grant


All OL states in good standing are eligible to receive $1500.00 in public awareness grant funds for 2024.

Eligible expenses include:
*PSA, social media, radio, or any type of public awareness campaign using current OLI materials
* purchased OL education materials used at an OL event or presentation (not promotional items, i.e., key chains, pens, mugs, etc.)
* any costs related to promoting OLI's safety messages on a state level through web and social media, printed materials, television and radio
* OLAV presentation or training materials
* costs related to OL exhibits, booths, and OL community events.

* Travel expenses, OL promotional items and food & beverage expenses are not eligible.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

PublicAware June 1 October 31


Name Notes
2024 Public Awareness Required Spreadsheet.xlsx Please complete this spreadsheet showing your reimbursable charges; the document will automatically do the calculations for you.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

SC Summit/State Coordinator Approved Travel Reimbursement


This form will be used by any OL State Coordinator for reimbursement for allowable transportation costs for pre-approved travel. Some of these travel reimbursements include: SCRR at NAC, SC on the Board, SCs instructing at Orientations, etc.

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Year January 1 December 31


Name Notes
2024 SC Travel Reimbursement Form.xlsx Use this form for any approved SC travel for OLI, including Regional Meetings, NAC, Summit, SCs on the OLI BOD travel, Orientation/Training Facilitator, etc.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.

Transit Online Safety Pledge Grant


Eligible recipients of these grants include transit agencies and governmental entities that provide transit service. The project must relate to rail safety for the public, including commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail and streetcars. Bus safety activities are not eligible. The rail service must either be currently operating or expected to begin operating within 36 months of the date of application.

OLI will offer one (1) $10,000 sub-award grant specifically for creative or unique ways to generate interest in, and lead users to take and sign one of OLI’s online transit safety pledges*. This grant will not require a match and will be awarded to one (1) eligible submission. This grant is eligible for any transit agency or governmental entities that provide transit service in the U.S. Grant payment shall be made on a split payment basis, with 75 percent of the grant made upon the awarding of the grant and 25 percent made after a final report is submitted by the grantee on the project activities carried out, financial documentation, and evaluation of project effectiveness. Any safety best practices materials developed by transit agencies using these grant funds will be:

• Developed in consultation with the State Coordinator of the state OL program
• Reviewed and approved by OLI
• Co-branded by the transit agency and Operation Lifesaver
• Made available to other transit agencies to use the project ideas in their community

*The grant project can focus on one, two or all three of OLI’s online transit safety pledges:
o Pre-Reader’s Transit Safety Pledge
o Kids Transit Safety Pledge
o Transit Safety Pledge for Ages 13 and Up

In addition to answering application questions, applicants must submit a letter from their Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator supporting the project.

Travel expense and Food & Beverages expenses are not eligible.

If a transit agency or State/local government applies for a Competitive Rail Transit Safety Education Grant, this application must be developed in coordination with your State Operation Lifesaver program. Contact information for Operation Lifesaver State Coordinators is located at: https://oli.org/state-coordinators

Application Type(s):

Grantmaker accepts unsolicited applications.

Program Type:


Grant Cycle Dates:

Year August 8 October 1


Name Notes
Transit Online Pledge Grant Budget Spreadsheet.xlsx Use this spreadsheet for your grant budget.
State Coordinator Endorsement Application Sample Letter.docx Please have your Operation Lifesaver State Coordinator sign this document after you have shared your project idea with them. Then upload a scanned copy of the signed letter on the Program Documents page. To find the State Coordinator in your state, please click on this link: https://oli.org/state-coordinators If your state does not currently have a State Coordinator, please contact Wende Corcoran at wcorcoran@oli.org for guidance.
2024 Transit Grant Agreement.docx 2024 Transit Grant Agreement, to be executed if awarded the grant funds.
2024 Transit Online Saftey Pledge Grant Information Sheet.docx Grant Application Information Document - find all the details needed for applying for the transit grant.

Start an Application:

Already have an account? Login to start an application.

Don't have an account? Sign up to open an account and start an application.